We have another great Nerd Nite Winona coming up on Wednesday September 25 @ 7:30pm. Please join us at No Name Bar for Nerd Nite #39 to hear…

Talk #1: “The Beale Cipher: Finding Treasure or Wasting Decades?” by Harry Ledecky

In 1885, a Virgina printer sold a pamphlet that claimed that millions of dollars’ worth was hidden within a few miles of where the first readers just happened to be standing, the only difficulty being breaking three (one, really) ciphers included for a low, low (not really) price. After more than 130 years of professional and amateur codebreakers could there be a way to break this cipher, or to prove that it was all a hoax for a quick buck? (The presenter is confident that there is an answer.)

Harry Leckenby’s favorite job has been professoring; he is currently a Lecturer at the University of Wisconsin Stout. His background is in astronomy, but teaching opportunities moved him into physics, math, and engineering as well.

Talk #2: “The Voting Rights Quiz Show!” by Ruth Charles and Kassi Klinger

When did your gender/ethnicity get the right to vote? Are you prepared for November’s general election? Do you know how to register or find your polling place? (They move!) Come learn these nerdy voting facts and more!

Ruth Charles is the Voter Services Chair for the League of Women Voters-Winona. She is also a social work professor at Winona State University, on the American Democracy Project committee and has been a MN Election Judge for 20 years. Kassi Klinger is the Membership Chair for the League of Women Voters-Winona. She’s been an election judge over the last 2 election cycles. She is an Assistant VP at US Bank Operations.

Talk #3: “CARPool Karaoke: Using Underwater Acoustics to Combat Invasive Carp” by Marybeth Brey

Bighead, silver, grass, and black carp (i.e., invasive carp) are invasive fish expanding their range throughout the Mississippi River Basin. Controlling the spread of these fish is one goal for resource managers. Because invasive carp are sensitive to underwater sound. The use of underwater acoustic deterrent systems (uADS) is one way to influence invasive carp movement while limiting effects on native species. Dr. Brey will discuss the process from concept and construction to evaluation of an acoustic deterrent on the Mississippi River and provide approaches used to evaluate the efficacy of experimental deterrents.

Dr. Marybeth Brey is a research fish biologist at the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center in La Crosse, WI. Dr. Brey grew up in Eagle River, Michigan in the far north woods of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. She holds a B.S. from Central Michigan University, a M.S. from Eastern Illinois University, and a PhD in Zoology and Fisheries Science from North Carolina State University. Since moving to the USGS in 2015, she and her team have focused their research on invasive carp biology, behavior, and control technologies applicable to management actions of silver, bighead, black, and grass carp. Marybeth is the team lead for USGS research and development of an underwater Acoustic Deterrent System (uADS) for invasive carps and works closely with the US Army Engineer Research and Development Center to develop, deploy, and evaluate of an uADS at Lock 19 in the Upper Mississippi River.