It’s time for another Winona Nerd Nite, this time on Wednesday February 26 at No Name Bar, starting at 7:30pm! Our speakers for Nerd Nite #43 are…

TALK #1: “An Englishmen in War Torn Spain” by Todd Nuss

In his memoir, Eric Blair tells the comedic and tragic story of his time serving in a Republican militia during the Spanish Civil war. Not only will this talk summarize the events of his book, but also discuss how his experiences affected his later fictional stories.

Todd Nuss is hobbiest history buff from Dodge County Minnesota. He is currently earning a bachelors of radiography at Winona state university.

TALK #2: “Music in Films: A Personal View – THE SEQUEL” by Paul Goltz

Back by popular demand, Paul is continuing his look at some of the composers and the art of music in films.

Paul has been a fan of film music since he was 7 years old and has been collecting it ever since.

TALK #3: “Brewing Beer: Because Science is More Fun with a Buzz” by John Bradberg

Do you like beer? Ever thought about making it yourself? Homebrewing takes the same ingredients and process as the breweries you know and scales it down to something you can do at home. Whether you want to keep it simple or dive deep into the details, I’ll cover the basics of brewing and how it compares to the pros.

John likes beer and loves learning everything I can about it. He’s been homebrewing for over a decade, with around 70 batches under his belt — most of them ending up on tap in his homemade keezer in his basement bar. He’s brewed everything from crisp lagers to full-blown bourbon barrel-aged stouts, with plenty of experiments along the way.